Risk Factors Caesarean Sections Labour
Faktor Risiko Persalinan Seksio Sesarea
Risk Factors, Childbirth, Caesarean SectionAbstract
This study aims to determine the risk factors for cesarean section delivery. The method used is an analytic observational study with a case control design. The population of this study were mothers giving birth at RSUD Sidoarjo with a total of 192 samples. The sample technique in this study used consecutive sampling. The data analysis used in this study was a univariate analysis of the frequency distribution with the chi square test and to see the magnitude of the risk, it was carried out using the Odds Ratio (OR) calculation. The results showed that the risk factor associated with caesarean section delivery was the age of the mother, Old labor with values, Placental condition with values, Preeclampsia with a value, History of caesarean section delivery. Risk factors for cesarean section delivery that have a relationship are maternal age, prolonged labor, placental conditions, preeclampsia, and history of cesarean section delivery.
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