Forecasting Sales of Clothing Products with a Combination Support Vector Regression and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
Peramalan Penjualan Produk Pakaian dengan Kombinasi Metode Support Vector Regression dan Algoritma Particle Swarm Optimization
Forecasting, Product Sale, Support Vector Regression, Particle Swarm OptimizationAbstract
One of new business concepts in e-commerce is twin date events which result in an increase in product sales so that there is a difference or fluctuation of around 20%, one of them is in the business in textile sector. This study aims to predict number of sales of clothing products at Nara Gallery Collection Boutique using support vector regression method which is known to have reliable performance in predicting time series data. However, it should be noted that the level of accuracy in forecasting is not necessarily high. Therefore, parameters in support vector regression method are optimized using particle swarm optimization algorithm. From this study, results of forecasting were obtained with a MAPE value = 8,98% were obtained by entering optimal parameter value of SVR is C value was 34,3642, ε value was 0,0110, σ value was 0,3677, cLR value was 0,1062, and λ value was 0,0117.
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