Evaluasi Penetapan Harga Jual Dalam Meningkatkan Laba Pada UMKM Mi Ayam Monggo Moro
Evaluation Of Determining The Selling Price In Increasing Profit In Monggo Moro Chicken Noodle MSME
cost plus pricing, penetapan harga jual, peningkatan labaAbstract
In this study, researchers conducted research at UMKM "Monggo Moro Chicken Noodles", the problem faced by this company lies in the decision to set the selling price of its products. As an appropriate alternative, it is necessary to determine the Cost-Plus Pricing method so that the selected decision is to determine the selling price of Monggo Moro Chicken Noodles and evaluate it using the Cost-Plus Pricing method.
The Cost-Plus Pricing method is an accurate method for identifying the components of production costs and calculating product selling prices according to the expected profit so that product prices can compete in the market. D. The results of this study indicate that the increase in profit can be realized up by 3% to 42%, amounting to IDR 5,921,350 compared to the previous profit of 39%, amounting to IDR 2,770,000
Keywords: Cost-Plus Pricing, Selling Price Determination, Profit Increase.
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