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Trial Prototype Vending Machine Providing Medicine to the Elderly Case Study of Bhakti Luhur Nursing Home

Percobaan Prototype Penyediaan Obat untuk Lansia Studi Kasus Panti Jompo Bhakti Luhur




Finite State Machine, ; Nodemcu ESP8266, WhatsApp, RFID (MFRC22)


This tool aims to reduce physical contact in the Covid-19 era and provide a modern shopping experience for the people of Indonesia. In this study, ESP8266 microcontroller was used as a microcontroller and WhatsApp IoT (Internet of Things) for drug use notification database. RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) as a data identification tool in the form of a card for each elderly person who is programmed according to the elderly's disease. Servo motors are used for drug delivery drive systems. Information on whether the drug is suitable can be obtained by adding a liquid crystal screen as a screen on the machine. In this study, the best results were obtained when all drug inputs provided were in accordance with medical information adjusted to the doctor's prescription from the RFID badge.


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