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Strategy for Settlement of Non-Performing Loans in Cooperatives in Sidoarjo Regency to Prevent Financial Distress

Strategi Penyelesaian Kredit Bermasalah Pada Koperasi Di Kabupaten Sidoarjo Untuk Mencegah Terjadinya Financial Distress




Credit Settlement Strategies , Financial Distress, Rescheduling, Reconditioning


In this research, the purpose of this research is to analyze the implementation of the Warehouse Management System on This study aims to determine the strategy for solving non-performing loans in cooperatives in Sidoarjo Regency to prevent financial distress. This research approach uses a qualitative approach. From this study, the results can be obtained, that 1)Settlement with the rescheduling approach both at the "Adiguna Jaya" Multi-Business Cooperative and at the "Tunas Jaya Mandiri" Savings and Loans Cooperative, the strategy is the same, namely through the arrangement of debt settlement schedules, 2)The reconditioning approach at the Multipurpose Cooperative The proportion of business "Adiguna Jaya" cannot be determined because it is dynamic, while in the Savings and Loans Cooperative "Tunas Jaya Mandiri" the proportion of reconditioning is small, 3)Restructuring is done in the Multi-Business Cooperative "Adiguna Jaya" and the Savings and Loans Cooperative "Tunas Jaya" Independent” are equally not big in proportion.


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