Readiness for Change in the Hotel Industry ; A Challenge or Threat
Kesiapan untuk Berubah pada Industri Hotel ; Sebuah Tantangan atau Ancaman
Employee, Knowledge, Organizational, HotelAbstract
The aim of the study was to use a sample of 65 people to learn how employee engagement and knowledge sharing affect employee readiness for change at Edotel Sidoarjo through organizational support. Research using quantitative research methods descriptive approach. Employee engagement and knowledge sharing are the independent variables, the dependent variable is employee readiness to change and organizational support is the intervening variable. Structural Equation Modeling is used together with the SmartPLS program to analyze data. Based on the research findings, there is a positive and significant effect of knowledge sharing on employee readiness to change, there is no effect of knowledge sharing on organizational support, there is no effect of employee engagement on employee readiness to change through organizational support and there is no significant effect of knowledge sharing on employee readiness to change through organizational support.
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