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The Effect of Stick Puppet As a Medium on Students' Speaking Skill in Narrative Text at SMK Dian Indonesia

Efek Boneka Tongkat Sebagai Media dalam Keterampilan Bicara Siswa Pada Teks Narasi di SMK Dian Indonesia




Stick puppet, Speaking Skill, Medium


The aim of this study was to find out there was any significant effect in speaking narrative using stick puppet as a medium in storytelling. The background of this research has been conducted on eleventh TKJ students of SMK Dian Indonesia who have problems understanding in English learning especially in speaking skill. Research design which the researcher used was pre-expperimental one class research. The result of the Researcher used the standart 5% or 0.050. After consulted to t – table, the result is : tvalue ≥ ttable (14; 5% or 0.050) = 6,87 ≥ 1,76. After calculate it, the researcher count the value of Eta-square and the result was there is a significant effect of using the medium. Thus, the null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected and alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. Based on the result, there's significant effect of stick puppet as media on students’ speaking skill in narrative text.


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