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Critics Discourse Analysis Logo Bonek “Wong Mangap: ( Critics Discourse Analysis Teun A. Van Dijk)

Analisis Wacana Kritis Logo Bonek “Wong Mangap” (Analisis Wacana Kritis Teun A. Van Dijk)




Critics Discource Analysis, Logo, identity


Persebaya Surabaya is a football club in Surabaya, a club that was founded in 1927 and is poor in Indonesian football, one of the biggest clubs in Indonesia has a supporter base which in its identity is called Bonek (Bondo Desperate).  Researchers used qualitative research with data collection methods using Critical Discourse Analysis from Teun A. Van Dijk by analyzing three aspects, namely text structure, social cognition, and the social context for the formation of the "Wong Mangap" logo. If analyzed in general, the creation of the “Wong Mangap” logo cannot be separated from Mr. Muchtar's ties to see the enthusiasm and fanaticism of Bonek himself. From the analysis of the text, it is clear that this logo has a shape resembling the expression of a person screaming with his mouth wide open.  the researcher found that the creator of the “Wong Mangap” logo also had an interest in Bonek.


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