The Effectiveness of the LAPOR Application of the Office of Communication and Informatics in Capturing Community Aspirations
Efektivitas Aplikasi LAPOR Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika dalam Menjaring Aspirasi Masyarakat
Application, DISKOMINFO, Goverment, LAPOR, Cyber Public RelationsAbstract
LAPOR namely an application for public complaints is one of the steps taken by the central government to anticipate the need for feedback from the public on the services provided by the government. The benefits of conducting research are to find out the effectiveness of the application of LAPOR, as well as to find out what factors are the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in implementing LAPOR in Sidoarjo. This research refers to the theory of Organization Public Relationship (OPR). This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, with the subject being the focus of the Sidoarjo Regency Communication and Information Service. The application of LAPOR in the city of Sidoarjo may face several obstacles, including limited access and understanding of technology, not all people have adequate access to the internet or the devices needed to use the LAPOR application.
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