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Roland Barthes' Semiotic Analysis: Representation of Toxic Parents in Turning Red Animation

Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes: Representasi Toxic Parents Dalam Animasi Turning Red




Toxic Parents, Turning Red, Roland Barthes


The word 'toxic' in toxic parents is defined as poison that does not only do physical violence, but mental and psychological violence that has impact on behavior, giving personality changes to children in their teens. Meilin's change in attitude from a good, obedient child to rebellious and lying teenager occurred since she felt free with her panda and her friends. Her mother's attention, which had always been normal, began to overdo it, so Meilin lie to her mother. Meilin's change in attitude and response from her mother is representation of toxic parents in this film, the influence of Asian culture also caused lot of criticism towards Meilin's attitude against parents. The representation of toxic parents in this film is examined using the Roland Barthes method with qualitative descriptive approach. It can be concluded that in this film there is depiction of toxic parents that we usually encounter in our surroundings.


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