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Semiotic Analysis of "Compass Type Retrograde Shoes" Instagram Ads (Semiotic Analysis of Ferdinand De Saussure)

Analisis Semiotika Pada Iklan Instagram “Sepatu Compass Type Retrograde” (Analisis Semiotika Ferdinand De Saussure)




Mass Media, advertising, semiotics ferdinand de sausure


The development of mass media in the current digital era is a new challenge in communicating persuasively to the target audience. Technological developments encourage the mass media to participate in developing features, namely characteristics, aspects, outstanding qualities that they offer so that bonds with their users can be maintained. Submission of information to the target audience for promotional or advertising purposes must be packaged as creatively as possible so as to be able to attract public attention. The research aims to find out the meaning to be conveyed in the advertisement for Compass Type Retrograde Shoes. This type of research is descriptive qualitative using Ferdinand De Sausure's semiotic analysis technique. This research focuses on identifying symbols or signs/meanings from Compass Type Retrograde Shoes advertisements. The research subjects in this study were a collection of scenes in the advertisement for Compass Type Retrograde Shoes.


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