Endorsement Analysis as an Advertising Media at @fuji_an (Study on Selegram Fuji on MS Glow Products)
Analisis Endorsement sebagai Media Iklan pada @fuji_an (Studi Pada Selegram Fuji pada Produk MS Glow)
Endorsement, Advertising Media, InstagramAbstract
Instagram is one of the social media that is currently popular among the public. Advertisements on Instagram social media now generally use more Instagram celebrities or what is commonly referred to as celebgrams. The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the effectiveness of the Fuji endorsement program as an advertising medium on Instagram social media for MS.Glow products. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research approach. The results of this study are the theory of SOR from the three stages of forming attitudes, through information uploaded by the Instagram account @Fuji can influence Followers' perceptions as an audience (organism) of active Instagram by content that contains positive information uploaded by the Instagram account @Fuji in using MS Glow products. The form of perception for followers is that they can follow a lifestyle like Fuji by using MS Glow's skincare and cosmetic products
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