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Pierce’s Semiotic Analiysis in Representation of Debt Behavior in Traveloka Paylater Ads

Analisis Semiotik Pierce Dalam Representasi Perilaku Berhutang Dalam Iklan Traveloka Paylater




Semiotics, Behavior, Short Video Marketing


The lifestyle that a person wants is also influenced by what they see and hear. The desire to owe arises because of certain needs that demand a supply of money that exceeds income. The purpose of this research is to analyze and describe the representation of debt behavior in Traveloka Paylater advertisements. This research method uses qualitative methods, the subjects in the study "Traveloka PayLater Ads. Data analysis technique is the analysis of the data chosen by the author to conduct research, with the theory of the triangle of meaning Pierce's Semiotics Theory. The conclusion of this study is the representation of debt behavior in Traveloka PayLater advertisements, namely the first by Consumption, namely fulfilling needs by buying everything on credit, the second, Cash-flow management, namely by planning the financial cycle for paying credit bills, and the last, namely Credit management, namely planning payment by credit


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