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Twitter Social Network Interaction as Customer Engagement in Competition for E-Commerce E-Health Performance in Indonesia

Jaringan Interaksi Twitter Sebagai Customer Engagement dalam Persaingan Performa E-Commerce E-Health di Indonesia




customer engagement, e-health, pandemic, social network, twitter


The presence of e-commerce e-health is a societal solution health needs in the era pandemic. Social distancing rules cause considerable restrictions on community socialization, and social media alternatives to share experiences. Public opinion and ratings on social media data were analyzed to improve service quality. This study aims to identify customer conversations on Twitter about e-health performance and compare results networks in Indonesia. The research method in this study is the Social Network Analysis (SNA) approach and descriptive meaning. The results of this study showed that pre-pandemic e-health users in Indonesia were more dominant in utilizing psychologist and psychiatric and buying easy and practical medicines. During the pandemic, more often used doctor consultations related to symptoms and treatment of Covid-19 and vitamins for self-isolation, by online payments. This research contributes to e-health companies in Indonesia regarding suggestions for utilizing SNA through customer interaction on social media to improve the performance.


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