Preprint / Version 1

Sansivera Fiber Application as a Composite Material With a Treatment

Pemanfaatan Serat Sansivera sebagai Bahan Komposit dengan Perlakuan Caoh




Sansivera, polyester


This study, The maximum load that can be applied to composites made of sansivera fiber matrices will be compared to the values of elastic modulus, tensile stress strength, and tensile strain after immersion of the fibers in a combination of CaOH chemical compounds. The CaOH production method, the composite production method, the Tensile test method, and experiments were the methods used in this study. This experiment, the concentration of mixture of CaOH compounds utilized was 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%. There were 10 composite specimens used, made up of 5 matrices that were left untreated and 5 that were treated with a mixture of CaOH compounds. The highest tensile strain value in the specimen with a 40% CaOH mixture was 0.045 mm, according to results of this experiment, and the highest tensile stress strength value in specimen with a 20% CaOH mixture was 259.8 N/mm2 According to this study, 


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