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The Effect of Intention and Usefulness of Giving Zakat on the Welfare of Muzakki LAZISMU Jawa Timur

Pengaruh Intensi dan Kegunaan Berzakat terhadap Kesejahteraan Muzakki LAZISMU Jawa Timur




Intention to Give Zakat, The Usefulness of Giving Zakat, Muzakki’s Wealfare


 The magnitude of the potential for ZIS collection does not guarantee that the entire population who are muslim, are aware of making ZIS payments to Amil Zakat institution to give zakat which is an obligation for every muslim in carrying out the order to give Zakat. So that the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of the intensive variable of giving zakat which is realized by the awareness of Muzakki in giving zakat, and the effect of the usability variable which relates to the motivation of Muzakki when carrying out the order zakat. Variable has a partial effect on wealfare with a significant value of 0,00<0,05; the variable use of zakat has a partial effect on wealfare with a significant value of 0,00<0,05; the intensive variable of zakat and the variable use of zakat simultaneously effect the welfare of muzakki with a significant value of 0,00<0,05. 


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