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Eksploitation of Women in Ads French Fries 2000 on Platforms YouTube

Eksploitasi Perempuan dalam Iklan French Fries 2000 pada Platform Youtube




Semiotic, Advertisement, Exploitation, Women


Advertisement is a commercial display that serves to attract consumers' attention to the products that is being sold. French Fries 2000 advertisement is a commercial show that sells products in the form of processed potatoes, the advertisement had to be stopped due to the form of advertisement visualization which was quite sensual. This study aims to determine the forms of exploitation of women in French Fries 2000 advertisements that aired in 2012. The theory used in this study is Charles Sanders Peirce's semiotics with the concept of understanding divided into representamen, object, and interpretant. The results of this study indicate that women are used as objects in commercial broadcasts such as advertisements for a product to attract public attention. A woman's body becomes a material for exploitation for a product to attract a wider range of consumers with the curves on her body as the center of attraction.


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