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The Role of Labor Organization as Moderator Variables in The Aspect of Wages, Benefits, Job Safety System, Work Permits, and Recruitment as Protection of Workers in Indonesia in The Implementation of Labor Laws

Peran Serikat Pekerja Sebagai Variabel Moderator Pada Aspek Pengupahan, Tunjangan, Sistem Keamanan Kerja, Ijin Kerja, dan Rekrutmen Sebagai Upaya Perlindungan Buruh di Indonesia Dalam Perspektif Penerapan Undang-Undang Ketenagakerjaan




Labor Union , Industrial Relation Dispute, Labor Laws


The number of cases at the PHI at this time shows that many of the labor laws that have been made are still being violated, giving rise to industrial relations disputes. The existence of labor union organizations is urgently needed because the mandate of labor law seems to some companies not to be a guideline that must be obeyed by employers, so that the rights of workers are not a priority, while company profits are the main goal of the company so that there are many disputes between employer with workers / laborers / employees. This study aims to analyze and describe the role of trade unions as a moderator variable in the aspects of wages, benefits, job security systems, work permits, and recruitment to protect workers in Indonesia from the perspective of implementing the Labor Law  


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