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The Relationship Between Hardiness and Student Academic Stress in Limited Face-to-Face Learning (Ptm) at Pgri 9 Junior High School Sidoarjo

Hubungan Antara Hardiness dengan Stres Akademik Siswa pada Pembelajaran Tatap Muka Terbatas (PTM) di SMP PGRI 9 Sidoarjo




Hardiness, Academic stress, Junior High School Students


This study aims to determine the problem of academic stress in students of SMP PGRI 9 Sidoarjo. This research method is quantitatively correlational with 181 grade IX student subjects. Determination of subjects using non-probability sampling techniques with accidental sampling method.  Data collection in this study is two scales of psychological preparation, namely the hardiness scale adapted from Putri (2010) and academic stress adapted from Khasanah (2021). The hypothesis in this study is that there is a negative relationship between hardiness and academic stress in students. Analysis of this research data using statistical test of product moment correlation with the help of SPSS 25 for Windows. The results of this study showed that a negative relationship between hardiness and academic stress in students at SMP PGRI 9 Sidoarjo with a value of r = -.218 with a significance value of 0.000 (P<0.05). 


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